Exploring the Historic Headwaters of the Laguna de Santa Rosa

Walk with Jenny Blaker, Michael Knappman, Keenan Foster, and Kate Symonds
Sunday, October 1, 2017, 10:00am-2:00pm
Meeting in Cotati (directions and details sent upon registration)
$25. Pre-registration required.
This walk is most suitable for adults (slow with lots of stops).

Explore the upper reach of the Laguna de Santa Rosa from downtown Cotati to the historic “headwaters” on a gentle, level, (but not wheelchair accessible) 3-mile loop walk. A number of local experts will share their knowledge and insights of the natural and cultural history of the area. This leisurely amble will include highlights about the Ross Street vernal pools; Cotati Creek Critters restoration and education work; Rohnert Park’s Lydia Commons Community Garden (where we’ll stop for a picnic lunch); and the surprising historic headwaters of the Laguna de Santa Rosa. Jenny Blaker and Michael Knappman will lead the loop walk from downtown Cotati to the historic headwaters of the Laguna and back, along with Laguna Foundation staff and Guides.

Jenny Blaker co-founded Cotati Creek Critters habitat restoration project in 1998, and was Outreach Coordinator from 2006-2012, when thousands of volunteers planted and maintained native trees, shrubs and understory plants alongside the Laguna de Santa Rosa channel in Cotati.

Keenan Foster is Principal Environmental Specialist in the Sonoma County Water Agency’s Environmental Resources Group supporting the Stream Maintenance Program.

Michael Knappman has been on the Lydia Commons Community Garden organizing committee since its inception in 2009. He has been active as a Master Gardener, helping promote community gardens and school gardens in Sonoma County. He has been walking the Laguna channel in his neighborhood for the past 25 years and has recently been organizing nature walks along the Laguna in Cotati for the students at University Elementary School.

Kate Symonds is a biologist with 30 years of experience, including 20 years with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, specializing in habitat restoration and native plants for the last 12 years (recently retired). She now volunteers with various organizations on habitat restoration projects and is a docent naturalist at Sonoma State University’s Fairfield Osborne Preserve.

For more Laguna Foundation walks, see http://www.lagunafoundation.org/laguna_walks_classes.shtml.

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